
import {
} from 'mobx'

import { diff, parseErrors } from './utils'

import cloneDeep from 'lodash/cloneDeep'
import isEqual from 'lodash/isEqual'
import isObject from 'lodash/isObject'
import findLast from 'lodash/findLast'
import union from 'lodash/union'
import Store from './Store'
import { defineToManyRelationships, defineToOneRelationships, definitionsByDirection } from './relationships'
import pick from 'lodash/pick'

 * Maps the passed-in property names through and runs validations against those properties
 * @param {object} model the model to check
 * @param {Array} propertyNames the names of the model properties to check
 * @param {object} propertyDefinitions a hash map containing validators by property
 * @returns {Array} an array of booleans representing results of validations
function validateProperties (model, propertyNames, propertyDefinitions) {
  return => {
    if (propertyDefinitions) {
      const { validator } = propertyDefinitions[propertyName]

      if (!validator) return true

      const validationResult = validator(model[propertyName], model, propertyName)

      if (!validationResult.isValid) {
        model.errors[propertyName] = validationResult.errors

      return validationResult.isValid
    } else return true

 * Coerces all ids to strings
 * @param {object} object object to coerce
function stringifyIds (object) {
  Object.keys(object).forEach(key => {
    const property = object[key]
    if (typeof property === 'object') {
      if ( { = String(

 * Annotations for mobx observability. We can't use `makeAutoObservable` because we have subclasses.
const mobxAnnotations = {
  isDirty: computed,
  dirtyAttributes: computed,
  dirtyRelationships: computed,
  hasUnpersistedChanges: computed,
  snapshot: computed,
  previousSnapshot: computed,
  persistedOrFirstSnapshot: computed,
  type: computed,
  attributes: computed,
  attributeDefinitions: computed,
  relationshipDefinitions: computed,
  hasErrors: computed,
  attributeNames: computed,
  relationshipNames: computed,
  defaultAttributes: computed,
  isInFlight: observable,
  errors: observable,
  relationships: observable,
  _snapshots: observable,
  initializeAttributes: action,
  initializeRelationships: action,
  rollback: action,
  undo: action,
  save: action,
  reload: action,
  validate: action,
  destroy: action,
  takeSnapshot: action,
  clearSnapshots: action,
  _applySnapshot: action,
  errorForKey: action,
  jsonapi: action,
  updateAttributes: action,
  isSame: action

 * The base class for data records
class Model {
   * - Sets the store and id.
   * - Sets jsonapi reference to relationships as a hash.
   * - Makes the predefined getters, setters and attributes observable
   * - Initializes relationships and sets attributes
   * - Takes a snapshot of the initial state
   * @param {object} initialProperties attributes and relationships that will be set
   * @param {object} store the store that will define relationships
   * @param {object} options supports `skipInitialization`
  constructor (initialProperties = {}, store = new Store({ models: [this.constructor] }), options = {}) {
    const { id, relationships } = initialProperties = store = id != null ? String(id) : id
    this.relationships = relationships

    if (!options.skipInitialization) {

   * True if model attributes and relationships have been initialized
   * @type {boolean}
  initialized = false

   * The type of the model. Defined on the class. Defaults to the underscored version of the class name
   * (eg 'calendar_events').
   * @type {string}
   * @static

  static type = ''

   * The canonical path to the resource on the server. Defined on the class.
   * Defaults to the underscored version of the class name
   * @type {string}
   * @static

  static endpoint = ''

   * The unique document identifier. Should not change except when persisted.
   * @type {string}

   * The reference to relationships. Is observed and used to provide references to the objects themselves
   * todo.relationships
   * => { tag: { data: { type: 'tags', id: '1' } } }
   * todo.tag
   * => Tag with id: '1'
   * @type {object}
  relationships = {}

   * True if the instance has been modified from its persisted state
   * NOTE that isDirty does _NOT_ track changes to the related objects
   * but it _does_ track changes to the relationships themselves.
   * For example, adding or removing a related object will mark this record as dirty,
   * but changing a related object's properties will not mark this record as dirty.
   * The caller is reponsible for asking related objects about their
   * own dirty state.
   * ```
   * todo = store.add('todos', { name: 'A good thing to measure' })
   * todo.isDirty
   * => true
   * => "A good thing to measure"
   * await
   * todo.isDirty
   * => false
   * = "Another good thing to measure"
   * todo.isDirty
   * => true
   * await
   * todo.isDirty
   * => false
   * ```
   * @type {boolean}
  get isDirty () {
    return this.dirtyAttributes.size > 0 || this.dirtyRelationships.size > 0

   * A list of any attribute paths which have been changed since the previous snapshot
   * const todo = new Todo({ title: 'Buy Milk' })
   * todo.dirtyAttributes
   * => Set()
   * todo.title = 'Buy Cheese'
   * todo.dirtyAttributes
   * => Set('title')
   * todo.options = { variety: 'Cheddar' }
   * todo.dirtyAttributes
   * => Set('title', 'options.variety')
   * @type {Set}
   * @readonly
  get dirtyAttributes () {
    if (this._snapshots.length === 0) { return [] }

    return Object.keys(this.attributes).reduce((dirtyAccumulator, attr) => {
      const currentValue = this.attributes[attr]
      const previousValue = this.previousSnapshot.attributes[attr]

      if (isObject(currentValue)) {
        const currentToPreviousDiff = diff(currentValue, previousValue)
        const previousToCurrentDiff = diff(previousValue, currentValue)

        union(currentToPreviousDiff, previousToCurrentDiff).forEach((property) => {
      } else if (!isEqual(previousValue, currentValue)) {

      return dirtyAccumulator
    }, new Set())

   * A list of any relationship paths which have been changed since the previous snapshot
   * We check changes to both ids and types in case there are polymorphic relationships
   * const todo = new Todo({ title: 'Buy Milk' })
   * todo.dirtyRelationships
   * => Set()
   * todo.note = note1
   * todo.dirtyRelationships
   * => Set('note')
   * @type {Set}
  get dirtyRelationships () {
    if (this._snapshots.length === 0 || !this.relationshipDefinitions) { return new Set() }

    const { previousSnapshot, persistedOrFirstSnapshot, relationshipDefinitions } = this

    return Object.entries(relationshipDefinitions || {}).reduce((relationshipSet, [relationshipName, definition]) => {
      const { direction } = definition
      let firstData = persistedOrFirstSnapshot.relationships?.[relationshipName]?.data
      let currentData = previousSnapshot.relationships?.[relationshipName]?.data
      let isDifferent

      if (direction === 'toMany') {
        firstData = firstData || []
        currentData = currentData || []
        isDifferent = firstData.length !== currentData?.length || firstData.some(({ id, type }, i) => currentData[i].id !== id || currentData[i].type !== type)
      } else {
        isDifferent = firstData?.id !== currentData?.id || firstData?.type !== currentData?.type

      if (isDifferent) {
      return relationshipSet
    }, new Set())

   * Have any changes been made since this record was last persisted?
   * @type {boolean}
  get hasUnpersistedChanges () {
    return this.isDirty || !this.previousSnapshot.persisted

   * True if the model has not been sent to the store
   * @type {boolean}
  get isNew () {
    const { id } = this
    if (!id) return true
    if (String(id).indexOf('tmp') === -1) return false
    return true

   * True if the instance is coming from / going to the server
   * ```
   * todo = store.find('todos', 5)
   * // fetch started
   * todo.isInFlight
   * => true
   * // fetch finished
   * todo.isInFlight
   * => false
   * ```
   * @type {boolean}
   * @default false
  isInFlight = false

   * A hash of errors from the server
   * ```
   * todo = store.find('todos', 5)
   * todo.errors
   * => { authorization: "You do not have access to this resource" }
   * ```
   * @type {object}
   * @default {}
  errors = {}

   * a list of snapshots that have been taken since the record was either last persisted or since it was instantiated
   * @type {Array}
   * @default []
  _snapshots = []

   * Initializes observable attributes and relationships
   * @param {object} initialProperties attributes
   initialize (initialProperties) {
    const { ...attributes } = initialProperties

    makeObservable(this, mobxAnnotations)


    this.takeSnapshot({ persisted: !this.isNew })
    this.initialized = true

   * Sets initial attribute properties
   * @param {object} overrides data that will be set over defaults
  initializeAttributes (overrides) {
    const { attributeDefinitions } = this

    const attributes = Object.keys(attributeDefinitions).reduce((object, attributeName) => {
      object[attributeName] = overrides[attributeName] === undefined ? attributeDefinitions[attributeName].defaultValue : overrides[attributeName]
      return object
    }, {})

    extendObservable(this, attributes)

   * Initializes relationships based on the `relationships` hash.
  initializeRelationships () {
    const { store } = this

    const toOneDefinitions = definitionsByDirection(this, 'toOne')
    const toManyDefinitions = definitionsByDirection(this, 'toMany')

    const toOneRelationships = defineToOneRelationships(this, store, toOneDefinitions)
    const toManyRelationships = defineToManyRelationships(this, store, toManyDefinitions)

    extendObservable(this, toOneRelationships)
    extendObservable(this, toManyRelationships)

   * restores data to its last persisted state or the oldest snapshot
   * state if the model was never persisted
   * ```
   * todo = store.find('todos', 5)
   * => "A good thing to measure"
   * = "Another good thing to measure"
   * todo.rollback()
   * => "A good thing to measure"
   * ```
  rollback () {
    this.takeSnapshot({ persisted: true })

   * restores data to its last state
   * state if the model was never persisted
  undo () {

   * creates or updates a record.
   * @param {object} options query params and sparse fields to use
   * @returns {Promise} the persisted record
  async save (options = {}) {
    if (!options.skip_validations && !this.validate(options)) {
      const errorString = JSON.stringify(this.errors)
      return Promise.reject(new Error(errorString))

    const {
    } = options

    const {
    } = this

    const hasAttributesToSave = dirtyAttributes.size > 0
    const hasRelationshipsToSave = relationships && dirtyRelationships.size > 0

    if (!isNew && !hasAttributesToSave && !hasRelationshipsToSave) {
      return Promise.resolve(this)

    let requestId = id
    let method = 'PATCH'

    if (isNew) {
      method = 'POST'
      requestId = null

    const url =, queryParams, requestId)

    const body = JSON.stringify({
      data: this.jsonapi({ relationships, attributes })

    if (relationships) {
      relationships.forEach((rel) => {
        if (Array.isArray(this[rel])) {
          this[rel].forEach((item, i) => {
            if (item && item.isNew) {
              throw new Error(`Invariant violated: tried to save a relationship to an unpersisted record: "${rel}[${i}]"`)
        } else if (this[rel] && this[rel].isNew) {
          throw new Error(`Invariant violated: tried to save a relationship to an unpersisted record: "${rel}"`)

    const response =, { method, body })
    const result = await, this)
    this.takeSnapshot({ persisted: true })

    return result

   * Replaces the record with the canonical version from the server.
   * @param {object} options props to use for the fetch
   * @returns {Promise} the refreshed record
  reload (options = {}) {
    const { constructor, id, isNew } = this

    if (isNew) {
      return this.rollback()
    } else {
      return, id, options)

   * Checks all validations, adding errors where necessary and returning `false` if any are not valid
   * Default is to check all validations, but they can be selectively run via options:
   *  - attributes - an array of names of attributes to validate
   *  - relationships - an array of names of relationships to validate
   * @param {object} options attributes and relationships to use for the validation
   * @returns {boolean} key / value of attributes and relationship validations
  validate (options = {}) {
    this.errors = {}
    const { attributeDefinitions, relationshipDefinitions } = this

    const attributeNames = options.attributes || Object.keys(attributeDefinitions)
    const relationshipNames = options.relationships || this.relationshipNames

    const validAttributes = validateProperties(this, attributeNames, attributeDefinitions)
    const validRelationships = validateProperties(this, relationshipNames, relationshipDefinitions)

    return validAttributes.concat(validRelationships).every(value => value)

   * deletes a record from the store and server
   * @param {object} options params and option to skip removal from the store
   * @returns {Promise} an empty promise with any success/error status
  destroy (options = {}) {
    const {
      constructor: { type }, id, snapshot, isNew
    } = this

    if (isNew) {, id)
      return snapshot

    const { params = {}, skipRemove = false } = options

    const url =, params, id)
    this.isInFlight = true
    const promise =, { method: 'DELETE' })
    const record = this
    record.errors = {}

    return promise.then(
      async function (response) {
        record.isInFlight = false
        if ([200, 202, 204].includes(response.status)) {
          if (!skipRemove) {
  , id)

          let json
          try {
            json = await response.json()
            if ( {
              runInAction(() => {
                Object.entries([key, value]) => {
                  record[key] = value
          } catch (err) {
            // It is text, do you text handling here

          // NOTE: If deleting a record changes other related model
          // You can return then in the delete response
          if (json && json.included) {

          return record
        } else {
          const errors = await parseErrors(response,
          throw new Error(JSON.stringify(errors))
      function (error) {
        // TODO: Handle error states correctly
        record.isInFlight = false
        throw error

   /* Private Methods */

   * The current state of defined attributes and relationships of the instance
   * Really just an alias for attributes
   * ```
   * todo = store.find('todos', 5)
   * todo.title
   * => "Buy the eggs"
   * snapshot = todo.snapshot
   * todo.title = "Buy the eggs and bacon"
   * snapshot.title
   * => "Buy the eggs and bacon"
   * ```
   * @type {object}
  get snapshot () {
    return {
      attributes: this.attributes,
      relationships: toJS(this.relationships)

   * the latest snapshot
   * @type {object}
  get previousSnapshot () {
    const length = this._snapshots.length
    // if (length === 0) throw new Error('Invariant violated: model has no snapshots')
    return this._snapshots[length - 1]

   * the latest persisted snapshot or the first snapshot if the model was never persisted
   * @type {object}
  get persistedOrFirstSnapshot () {
    return findLast(this._snapshots, (ss) => ss.persisted) || this._snapshots[0]

   * take a snapshot of the current model state.
   * if persisted, clear the stack and push this snapshot to the top
   * if not persisted, push this snapshot to the top of the stack
   * @param {object} options options to use to set the persisted state
  takeSnapshot (options = {}) {
    const { store, _snapshots } = this
    if (store.pauseSnapshots && _snapshots.length > 0) { return }
    const persisted = options.persisted || false
    const properties = cloneDeep(pick(this, ['attributes', 'relationships']))


   * Sets `_snapshots` to an empty array
  clearSnapshots () {
    this._snapshots = []

   * set the current attributes and relationships to the attributes
   * and relationships of the snapshot to be applied. also reset errors
   * @param {object} snapshot the snapshot to apply
  _applySnapshot (snapshot) {
    if (!snapshot) throw new Error('Invariant violated: tried to apply undefined snapshot')
    runInAction(() => {
      this.attributeNames.forEach((key) => {
        this[key] = snapshot.attributes[key]
      this.relationships = snapshot.relationships
      this.errors = {}

   * shortcut to get the static
   * @type {string}
  get type () {
    return this.constructor.type

   * current attributes of record
   * @type {object}
  get attributes () {
    return this.attributeNames.reduce((attributes, key) => {
      const value = toJS(this[key])
      if (value != null) {
        attributes[key] = value
      return attributes
    }, {})

   * Getter find the attribute definition for the model type.
   * @type {object}
  get attributeDefinitions () {
    return this.constructor.attributeDefinitions || {}

   * Getter find the relationship definitions for the model type.
   * @type {object}
  get relationshipDefinitions () {
    return this.constructor.relationshipDefinitions || {}

   * Getter to check if the record has errors.
   * @type {boolean}
  get hasErrors () {
    return Object.keys(this.errors).length > 0

   * Getter to check if the record has errors.
   * @param {string} key the key to check
   * @returns {string} the error text
  errorForKey (key) {
    return this.errors[key]

   * Getter to just get the names of a records attributes.
   * @returns {Array} the keys of the attribute definitions
  get attributeNames () {
    return Object.keys(this.attributeDefinitions)

   * Getter to just get the names of a records relationships.
   * @returns {Array} the keys of the relationship definitions
  get relationshipNames () {
    return Object.keys(this.relationshipDefinitions)

   * getter method to get the default attributes
   * @returns {object} key / value of attributes and defaults
  get defaultAttributes () {
    const { attributeDefinitions } = this
    return this.attributeNames.reduce((defaults, key) => {
      const { defaultValue } = attributeDefinitions[key]
      defaults[key] = defaultValue
      return defaults
    }, {
      relationships: {}

   * getter method to get data in api compliance format
   * TODO: Figure out how to handle unpersisted ids
   * @param {object} options serialization options
   * @returns {object} data in JSON::API format
  jsonapi (options = {}) {
    const {
      constructor: { type }
    } = this

    let filteredAttributeNames = attributeNames
    let filteredRelationshipNames = []

    if (options.attributes) {
      filteredAttributeNames = attributeNames
        .filter(name => options.attributes.includes(name))

    const attributes = filteredAttributeNames.reduce((attrs, key) => {
      let value = this[key]
      if (value) {
        if (attributeDefinitions[key].transformer) { value = attributeDefinitions[key].transformer(value) }
      attrs[key] = value
      return attrs
    }, {})

    const data = {
      id: String(id)

    if (options.relationships) {
      filteredRelationshipNames = this.relationshipNames
        .filter(name => options.relationships.includes(name) && this.relationships[name])

      const relationships = filteredRelationshipNames.reduce((rels, key) => {
        rels[key] = toJS(this.relationships[key])
        return rels
      }, {})

      data.relationships = relationships

    if (meta) {
      data.meta = meta

    if (String(id).match(/tmp/)) {

    return data

   * Updates attributes of this record via a key / value hash
   * @param {object} attributes the attributes to update
  updateAttributes (attributes) {
    const { attributeNames } = this
    const validAttributes = pick(attributes, attributeNames)

    Object.entries(validAttributes).forEach(([key, value]) => (this[key] = value))

   * Comparison by identity
   * returns `true` if this object has the same type and id as the
   * "other" object, ignores differences in attrs and relationships
   * @param {object} other other model object
   * @returns {boolean} if this object has the same type and id
  isSame (other) {
    if (!other) return false
    return this.type === other.type && ===

export default Model